Friday, May 17, 2013

The 3 Best Things a Freelancer Can Do - Today

Nobody could have predicted this...
Admit it, as a freelancer, you have a love/hate relationship with hustling.  Mostly hate, I assume.  When things are going great, it's easier to just not think about the day the music dies.  And when work does end, it's almost always a surprise.  Logic is one thing, acceptance quite another.

Enter The Mad Scramble.  It begins with your hitting up the usual suspects, and is followed by hours online, scrolling frantically through indeed, mandy, craigslist and LinkedIn looking for a last-minute reprieve.

This is wrong on so many levels. 

Fortunately, there's a way around this; more specifically, three ways.  Each of them has the D'oh! factor and can be done five times a week, whether you're working or not.

1. Call three people.
This can be a colleague you haven't seen in a while, a client/employer you worked for last year, even that person you sent your resume to last month.  Re-establish your presence.  Reduce your isolation.  Remind others of your availability.  (See?  I told you these have the D'oh! factor.) 

2. Write letters to five people.
Not an email, a real-live personal letter in a no. 10 envelope with a stamp and everything.  It can be a customized form letter, but it should be brief, typed and signed.  This is much more personal and about 26,700% more likely to be read than an email (source: The Promo Code). 

3. Identify three executives at companies in an alternative market.
If you couldn't work in your end of the biz, what would you do?  It will likely be something related - you know, same but different.  Start building that list.

Then, in a few weeks/months, when you start running out of people from Steps 1 and 2, you can begin contacting new people from Step 3.  And so on.

If you're serious about freelancing, you understand that sales is just part of the gig.  You've got the talent part down.  Just accept the fact that the sales end is a numbers game and you have to be on other people's radar..

These are the 3 best things you can do today.  At the very least, they're right up there.

-Ed Roth

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